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Dealing with Trojan Threats

What is a Trojan

Like its namesake, a Trojan appears to offer a desirable function to your computer, but actually it only gives malicious functions that can cause damage to your computer or, worse, enable unauthorized access to your private account. Trojan is a malware which, unlike a virus or a worm, does not infect other files in your computer. Though, it can still cause a serious problem to your system.

How can a Trojan damage your system

There are various types of Trojans, depending on the kind of damage it inflicts on your computer or network system. For instance, there is a Trojan that can overwrite data, install viruses, slow down your computer processes, open pornographic sites, corrupt files, or install backdoor to your computer system. And there is also a type of Trojan that can make you your private account susceptible to hackers.

How can you avoid a Trojan infection

One of the best ways to prevent a Trojan from infecting your computer is to install anti-virus software. It is also important that you keep this software updated. Another way is to scan your computer regularly. If your software functions efficiently, you can easily remedy your problem with the Trojan by deleting the files that are infected. The most basic way to avoid a Trojan is by visiting only the sites that you are familiar with or those sites that are safe from Trojan. Because Trojan can hide beneath a desirable site, you have to be very careful when you open a site.


  1. costello dwyer says:

    please send me this trojan..

    i would like to meet this trojan..

    no joke send to this person. he runs scams on craigslist.

    he’s made a lot of money on helpless people. not me though..

    I reported him to the police. they better find him before i do!!

    if you can track him or know how to track people through e-mail, let me know.. I bet he’s got a lot of cash in his house.. anyway..

  2. costello dwyer says:

    don’t reply to comment above email… just post your comment. for me not douchebag.

    i didn’t use my email,,, at all

    but send me this trojan and all affiliated.

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