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Hacking: One Email Security Issue You Should Know About

If you think your email is completely private and secure, then you’ve still got a lot to learn regarding email security. There are many email security issues that you need to know about and it’s important for you to take the necessary measures to make sure that your email security isn’t compromised. Below is just one email security issue that can be easily avoided.


It happens to people who don’t expect their email to be hacked. Celebrities and government officials have been victim to this email security issue, and you shouldn’t be complacent and think that it won’t happen to you. The notion that hackers are geeks who have much technical knowledge is a myth. In fact, your email can get hacked by someone else just by clicking the “Forgot your ID or password?” link found at the email homepage. The person will then be prompted to answer the security question that you chose when you created your email.

Now if your hacker is someone who knows the answer to the security question you picked, then you can kiss email security goodbye. The hacker will be given a new password which can be used on your account. To prevent this from happening, you can change your security question and put in an answer that only you would know. If the security question you choose asks for the name of your pet, you can just type in “yiyipup” or some other random combination of letters or words instead of your pet’s real name. Of course, it’s also important that you keep your answer in mind. You really might forget your password someday and have to answer your own security question.

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