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Obama– A Self-confessed Addict?

During his campaign for presidency, President Barack Obama showed signs of addiction. Yes, he even admitted it himself and there were actually various witnesses to prove that his addiction is real. According to some reports, Obama was often seen during his campaign thumbing his addiction, his BlackBerry mobile email phone.

Is Obama’s addiction trivial

The issue on whether President Obama should keep or give up his mobile email phone addiction is not trivial as some may think. In the past and until today, emails are actually used to commit serious crimes. For instance, an email can be hacked by cyber crime organizations to obtain important information that would enable them to commit more serious crimes. In the case of President Obama, the danger is doubled because his BlackBerry phone has a built-in GPS technology that can be used to trace his location within a short distance.

Obama to bring the object of his addiction to the White House

Because email is viewed with a skeptical eye in the White House, former presidents gave up using emails during their administrations. Former President Clinton, for instance, sent only two emails during his term and Bush gave up emails as well. Just recently, however, it was announced that Obama would be allowed to bring his addiction to the White House. This announcement made him the first US president to use email regularly. But to ensure the safety of information and of the president himself, a special security software would be installed on his BlackBerry mobile email phone.

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