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Why Spammers Keep Spamming

If you have a free email account, then you probably receive lots of spam emails every day. These spam emails may go directly into your spam folder, although there are some that get through spam filters of your email client and land in your inbox. These spam emails may contain viruses and spyware, or even be used for phishing. But why are these spam emails so prevalent?

* Spammers spam because spam email works. Although many people are careful not to open spam emails and delete them immediately, there are those who read spam emails and click on links. Advertisers gain revenue from these clicks and keep on sending spam emails to more individuals.
* Spammers keep spamming because sending spam emails is cheap. One of the main reasons why advertisers choose spam for publicity is that spam is very inexpensive. Sending emails is free, so spammers can send to as many people as they want. Even if only a very small percentage of recipients actually clink on their link, sending spam is still worth a try for them.

* Spammers send more spam because spam emails are hard to eliminate. Although Internet service providers and software companies are working to battle spam, there are still many people who choose to send unsolicited commercial emails to a large number of individuals. There are, however, some measures you can take to decrease the number of spam emails going to your email. When you spot spam emails, mark them as spam so that your email will recognize similar messages as spam too.

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