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February 3rd, 2009:

The Basics of Email Filtering

Spam can be a real nuisance. These unsolicited emails can eat up most of your time; instead of focusing directly on your legal mail, you still have to put up with spam emails. Aside from this, spam can carry viruses and different kinds of spyware that can pose serious danger to your individual computer or network system. These unsolicited emails can also be used by hackers as instruments to access your private information.

Email filtering

You’ll be surprised to know that there are various ways to combat spam. One of the most effective and efficient means is by email filtering. Email filtering is the process by which the incoming email is identified as either a spam mail or a legal one. The process involves blocking the unsolicited email. The filtering process can take place in the server or in the computer itself. Some programs have their own filtering features that you could use. There are also available email filtering software in the market if you have money to spare.

Intelligent filtering

The most popular method of email filtering is the so-called intelligent filtering. In this method, you are actually training the computer to identify the spam according to your own definition of the term. The program will base its definition of spam relative to the mails you rejected and accepted. However, you can still alter the result of the filtering when you think that the program makes mistake in blocking an email which could prove to be very useful in the near future.

Netiquette: It Still Pays to Be Courteous

Email is among today’s most popular and important means of communication. Business transactions and job applications make use of various email systems. Email is, of course, not limited to professional use, it is also among the efficient ways through which you can communicate with your peers and family. Because of the important role that email plays in both your professional and personal life, it is important that you are knowledgeable about email etiquette.

Things you should not forget in your email

In composing your email, you have to remember some important things. One of these is the subject. The subject line is very important because it will give the recipient a hint of what your message is all about. Do NOT commit the common mistake of forgetting the greeting. The greeting will of course depend on your recipient. If you are going to send your email to your friend, you can use a less formal greeting. For your boss, however, you have to use a more formal one. If you are composing email for professional reasons, do not include jokes in your message.

Things you should not include in your email

If it is your first time to send an email to a certain person, do not attach a file unless the recipient expects it. This is because the recipient may think of your email as spam and may ignore or delete your email. It is necessary that you send a message first saying that you will be attaching a certain document in your next email before you send your attachments.

Reading Email Collections of Authors

One of the notable events in the book world is the publication of an author’s collection of letters and other correspondences throughout his or her lifetime. Who wouldn’t want to read the letters of literary luminaries such as Truman Capote and Vladimir Nabokov? With the dwindling volume of letters sent and received and increasing usage of email as a form of correspondence, can a collection of emails be a possibility in the near future?

Collecting an author’s email

Of course, before one can publish a collection of emails, the publisher should seek the approval of the author. And because the nature of emails is diverse – from the trivial inquiries to the profound sharing of ideas – one wonders whether the task of sifting through an author’s collection of emails falls into the hands of the publisher or the author himself. Of course, because sending and receiving emails has become very convenient, the volume of emails to be read can become staggering (especially if the author is very tech-savvy).

The lost art of letter writing

People would argue that writing letters is totally different from composing emails. Many authors, however, would disagree about this argument. They say that writing, whether an email or a letter, remains basically the same, although the medium of delivery is certainly different. Regardless whether composing emails is the same as writing letters, what’s true is that emails are here to stay, and it’s only a matter of time before a pioneering publisher decides to collect and print one of their author’s email inbox contents.

Email Bombing

Proliferation of bombs

Even if you are in the comforts of your home or office, you are not safe from bombs. There is actually a cyber crime which is called email bombing. Email bombing refers to the sending of numerous emails to an email address, which can result in the overflowing of your mailbox or overflowing of the server. One of the most annoying thing about email bombing is that the sending of nonsensical and numerous emails continues even after the server has been brought down. The email bomb can also cause serious damage such as system crashes and loss of Internet connectivity. These cases can result in more serious problems especially if you are using your Internet connection for business purposes.

How to avoid email bombs

Once an email bomb is activated, it could be difficult to stop. This is why it is better to take some precautionary measures that would help you avoid email bombs. One of the ways to do this is by creating multiple email accounts. You should have an email address that you would only share with your friends and family members and another one that you would be using to transact for online services. Aside from this, you should also enable your spam filter to block the email of the sender that you don’t want or install anti-spam software. In case the email bomb succeeded in infiltrating your system, you have to report the origin of the bomb to the ISP or Internet Service Provider.

Avoiding Chain Letter Scams

Almost everyone who has an email account has probably received a chain letter. A chain letter contains a message that encourages the reader to forward the said message to various other email addresses. Among the usual chain letters you can often find in your email account are those containing emotionally touching stories, those using superstitions to blackmail you, and those containing pyramid schemes and other contents that entice you with financial rewards.

Chain letter scams

It could really be annoying that every time you open your email account, you are always greeted by a chain letter that claims to curse you with bad luck if you don’t forward the email. Though you don’t believe it, you always feel you have to forward the email to other recipients just to be on the safer side. Other chain letters lure you with emotional bait, that is, by telling you tragic stories and encouraging you to make donations. Another type of chain email is the one that involves financial investments. The chain email in this type requires a certain amount from you and promises to give you more in return. This type is considered illegal in some countries.

Getting rid of chain letters

You don’t have to suffer from receiving chain letters endlessly. There are actually a lot of ways to avoid a chain letter. One way is to break the chain; you can simply ignore the email or delete it. You may also opt to block the sender, especially if you don’t know that sender.