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December 1st, 2008:

What You Need to Know About Chain Emails

Chain emails claim to have an effect on your future. They may come off as ordinary-looking messages filled with inspiring stories and amazing pictures, but they are actually fraudulent emails filled with nonsensical messages and improper agenda: to blackmail their recipients.

Sending instructions

As you scroll down to the bottom of chain emails, you will discover a specific instruction: send this to (number) of your friends within the next (number) days. If you ever decide to forward the chain emails to your friends within the specified date, you will experience (number) years of good luck (in life, in love, or in your career). If you choose to do otherwise, however, you will experience (number) years of bad luck.

Security issues

No matter how superstitious or how desperate you are, try to refrain from forwarding chain emails. Chain emails, after all, are simply letters that were composed by people with no authority whatsoever to predict your fate or improve your current condition. So the next time you receive chain emails indicating that you will die if you don’t forward them to ten more people within the next ten days, just click the “DELETE” button and put them in your email bin.

The nonsensical content of chain emails is not the only reason you should avoid forwarding them. Email security is also an issue. When you forward chain emails to your friends and they, in turn, send the chain emails to their other friends, the security of your email account becomes threatened. Your email address, after all, will be included in all chain emails that were forwarded by your friends. Exposing your email address to a big group of people, which is composed mostly of strangers, increases the possibility of email account hacking.